Updated: May 30, 2020
Kill me, Kill me now.
My gyne, Dr Tan Hak Koon from SGH, has put me on a pill called Duphaston, an addition to my folic acid to assist the pregnancy.
During my 6th week visit, Krispy Kreme (yes we have named our wee one after a donut) heart was beating at 98bm, which was rather low for a new heartbeat. It is usually expected to be 100 and above, so Duphaston is
“a progestin medication which is used for a variety of indications, including threatened or recurrent miscarriage during pregnancy, dysfunctional bleeding, infertility due to luteal insufficiency, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, secondary amenorrhea, irregular cycles, premenstrual syndrome, and as a component of menopausal hormone therapy”.
Basically to make sure hormones and progestin level are up to assist the pregnancy. Of course now heart beat is finally stabilized, but Mr Tan recommended I continue on the medicine to play it safe.
However this medication has caused me to be SEVERELY HUNGRY. It is like everyday I could eat a COW. It has come to the point that I have to have snacks in my bag all the time because I would feel starved to the point that I can’t stand straight. You know the feeling of meeting someone for an epic meal but that someone take AGES to come and thus you can’t eat yet? I feel like that EVERY MINUTE. I could get full for 5 minutes and become extremely hungry after.
Of course, with the nature of my job, it doesn’t make it easier. Working in Architecture means intense work everyday, long hours with high stress level. Everyday at work is torture due to my fatigue, when most days I still feel like taking a nap. I still have to commit overtime occasionally which doesn’t help my tiredness, especially when the work commitment is usually 24hrs with my whatsapp lighting up every minute due to work. Everyday during meetings facing colleagues, my bosses and my clients with nausea worrying I might vomit on them any second. I honestly do not know how some women architects cope with having a kid and working at the same time.
I have been told when I enter my second trimester I would feel alot more energized and better. Man, I am really looking forward for my First trimester to be over soon!
Updated: May 30, 2020
I’m Pregnant!
Stuart and I have been trying for about 3 months, with no luck. Now because my mom has a history of having the difficulty to get pregnant, I was quite worried I would inherit this gene. Being the Kiasu Singaporean that I am, I downloaded an app to track my ovulation.
Were my sweet words to my hubby whenever I am ovulating. It got so bad my husband began to feel incredibly insecure of whether I was being saucy with him due to my attraction to him or using him to make a baby. HA.
Of course, although still no luck, people told me it usually happens when you least expects it, and where your stress level is at the lowest.
They’re Lying about the stress part.
On the month of December, I was at my highest stress levels, doing overtime continuously from the start of December over to new years, not having a single day of rest. (Yes I do not know how does MOM let my company get away with slave driving their staff) I did not expect to get pregnant as my mind was so occupied and barely had the time to make love to my husband.
At the same time, my dad had suffered a stroke in critical condition and I had to rush back to Malaysia to see him. It was a stressful and intense week, with barely enough time to even allow myself to take a breather.
I got really tired that week and couldn’t even get up early enough to do my daily exercises like I usually do. I realized I missed my period as well, and started to have really tender breast symptoms. Such symptoms are common when a woman is under a lot of stress lately, so I kinda brushed it off.
However my mom being MY MOM, notice my missed period and demanded I take a pregnancy test in Malaysia. Now I was in Taiping, a small town in Perak that does not have the best pharmacies or supplies that a typical Singaporean girl would be used to. But meh, why not give it a test.
So there was an extra line but barely a line. A FAINT LINE. I started googling this shit up and everywhere it states any line points towards a positive. So I went into panic mode, and told my husband. In my mind, I just couldn’t wait to get back to Singapore to buy a proper pregnancy test.
Fast forward to my return, I immediately rushed to Watsons to buy a recommended test kit, to test for better accuracy.
That was it. I WAS indeed pregnant, at my most stressful period of the year, when I least expected it!